Motocarro: The primary means of transportation in the village. My companion and I can get to any part of the village for just $1, and they give us a little extra money each month because our area is huge.
This week was a very good week. It was holy week, which is actually a pretty big affair here. First off, no one is working and no one has school. They have a lot of processions and have a tradition of making sweets from fruits. For example, they grab a mango, bland it, dump in a ton of sugar, and cook it all together with a couple other things. Its super delicious. The branch did an activity where each organization made one or two sweets and then there was a contest to see which was the best. Relief Society won. They made my companion and I be judges, along with the sister missionaries in the branch. It was fine until they gave us the sweet made from beans. I didn´t like it very much but oh well.
As far as the investigators go, we really need your prayers for Karina Coba. Ever since her interview she doesn't want to talk to us, she doubts her testimony, and she started saying stuff like we dont need a church because we can worship God in our hearts, etc. She has/had a testimony at one point, but we are really focusing on the Book of Mormon to help her. Once she has a testimony she won't have a problem getting baptized.
We are progressing a lot with the Varela family. V sounds like B in Spanish, actually its the same letter. Barela family. The problem is that they want to make great friends with us instead of keeping thier commitments. The problem is that they really like me, I think probably because I'm white and talk with a slight accent and whatnot. But I don't know what I can do to help them understand what we do as missionaries, since we have explained it to them very clearly. We are also focusing a lot on the Book of Mormon.
What have you all learned from Preach my Gospel in your studies this week? In my studies I focused a ton on the Book of Mormon. Elder Waddel talked a lot about how the Book of Mormon in the key in helping the investigators get faith for repentance, so we are applying what he said and it is going well. Also thanks for praying for me on the piano, it turned out very well.
Elder Wilson
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