Monday, June 9, 2014

the plague

I accidentally sneezed on my orange
No, just kidding. This is one of my favorite Colombian fruits, called granadilla. You slurp it up, mucus and all. Super delicious

This week has been crazy because everyone in the zone is sick. We have 5 companionships, so it´s a small zone, but 3 of them haven´t been working this week because of sickness. Of the other two (my companion and I and the zone leaders) the missionaries are sick but are working anyways. My companion has had a terrible cold for over a week but keeps trooping on. He´s great. But luckily I´m still healthy and happy.

The work with the members should be progressing a ton this week, and that means that there will be a lot more baptisms. They finally called and sustained a branch mission leader this week, who was once the branch president. He will be a great resourse for us. Also, a missionary from the branch returned home after his mission this week, and he has a ton of experience and will help a lot. His name is Ley Gonzales. Plus yesterday my companion and I did like a training in the house-chapel for the members about missionary work. We wrote down everyones schedule for when they can do visits with us, and we taught them how. Then we gave every single person a pamphlet about the Plan of Salvation and the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the commitment to give it to a friend and invite them to listen to us. We even did practices with everyone of how to talk with them to naturally share the gospel. So now we have to pray that the members can follow through. We are going to talk with them on Sunday to see how it went.

Other that that, this week should be fun since I have like one dollar to get by for the whole week. I´ll probably loose another few kilos.

Yormitt is vascilating between marriage and separation, but is leaning towards marriage. We really haven´t talked to her much this week, since she hass to make the decision herself. But I am a little worried because she didn´t go to church this week or last week. That´s  how they start to forget their testimonies. There is a member here who was baptized in January but now says that he never even had a testimony of the Book of Mormon. But I know he had one and is just doubting it now. We are doing all we can to help him regain it but it´s hard because the members haven´t visited or anything. But like I said, that should change this week.

Other than that, we are teaching a great young man named Andrés Nuñez. He is 20 years old, so he´s a future missionary. He heard about the church through his girlfriend. He actually went to church like 3 times before we first visitied him, because we always thought that he was one of the sster missionaries´ inverstigators. But he always reads the Book of Mormon, adn he knows  it´s true. He loves the church and wants to be a missionary. The only problerm is that he has an issue with commitment and doesn´t want to definitively accept a baptismal date. He has one for the 28th of this month, but always sayd something like "I can´t tell you for sure because who knows what can happen before then" or "no I´m just an impulsive person, so if I want to before that day I´ll do it." I really think he can reach this goal, but it´s going to require a lot of work and help from the branch.

Well I hope you all have a great week in Hebgen, and find a great moose for me.

Elder Wilson

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